Yes, I am.
part II.

So now I'm more calm.  Less sick.  More sick at heart.  More disappointments.

No one means for this to happen.
Not one of these intelligent beautiful young ladies over whom I have obsessed turned me down because they don't like me.  No.  They've either had someone else, or not wanted a realationship because of various reasons.  No; they still like me.  Most remain friends, and for none of them do I have bad feelings.

Feelings of bitterness, but not bad feelings.

Feelings of jealousy, but not bad feelings.

In fact, I am still good friends with a number.
But still bitter.
as all get-out.


I demand once more to find your own way back to my home page.

Created 5/21/99, in a fit of bitterness, thinking that I might correct Bitter I.
Then I realized that Bitter I was a work of art.
I have a feeling that neither page will be updated, only joined, even in fits of bitterness, so don't worry.
the information is still accurate.
My life is still as I have said.
I don't lie about this stuff, except to make people feel better.
Like beautiful intelligent young ladies.
Believe it.