OK, so this past semester, I went through an identity crisis.
It probably goes back to a bitter place, but what I did was ask myself questions such as:
"Who am I?"
"Why do I do the things I do?"
"Am I happy with me the way I am?"
I needed answers, and what did I find?
The Keirsey Scale.
This is a page that shows into which catagories my friends fall, as well as what I am.

Answering the latter first, I am an
But what does this mean?
This type of person is supposed to...

Catagories for some of my friends and acquaintances:
Owen -- ISTP
Ari -- INFJ
John -- ESTP
Ian -- INFP
Seema -- INTJ

Rayhawk -- INTJ
Owen's Rachel -- INFJ
Anand -- ENTP

If you wish to be included in this list, send me your four digit code: contact me!

All this information was compiled from the Keirsey Homepage

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Last modified Jan. 2, 1999.