September 26, 2003 -- Audrey's Workplaces

Every morning, Audrey heads to the South in the darkness.

Like many other people.

Under the view of the sleeping giant.

And the ever-present fog.

Her first stop: Green River Community College.

Here is her office

This is the building of her classroom.

And here is where she teaches.

The campus is nice.

Then she heads to Highline Community College.

The airplanes fly overhead...

... and the construction leaves to be desired.

Here is where she can hold her office hours.

And this is her classroom.

She helps her students diligently.

But at least the view is nice over the Olympics and Puget Sound.

September 28, 2003 -- Picnic and Walk in West Seattle

We decided to go for a picnic on a nice weekend.

Left to right, here are Brian, Marge, Audrey, Tracey, and Eric.

Tracey had an awesome picnic basket.

Afterwards we went for a walk along the shoreline...

...which produced some nice views of Seattle...

...and the Olympics.

Along the way, public art told us stories of yore.

We walked along the beach until we could go no further.

Flower power!

Between Condos.

We had our picture taken by Eric.

Maybe you can see us better here.

Another month?